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波纹钩鳞鲀(Balistapus undulatus)是一种在热带珊瑚礁海域中广泛分布的杂食性鱼类, 研究其自然环境中的食物组成有助于了解其食物来源及其在生态系统中的功能地位。但目前的认识仅限于他们是珊瑚礁区的海胆捕食者, 对其准确的食物组成和生态功能定位尚不清晰。本研究于2017年夏季在南沙珊瑚礁区采集了波纹钩鳞鲀样品, 通过特异性引物扩增波纹钩鳞鲀消化道中的线粒体细胞色素C氧化酶亚基Ⅰ(COⅠ)基因, 以高通量测序技术分析了其现场食物组成, 并测定了碳、氮稳定同位素以分析其营养级。研究结果显示, 波纹钩鳞鲀摄食的食物种类有13种, 分属于节肢动物门(Arthropoda)、脊索动物门(Chordata)和环节动物门(Annelida)。其中最主要的食物来源是节肢动物门扇蟹科的蟹类, 如滑面蟹(Etisus sp.)、Luniella pubescens、皱纹花瓣蟹(Liomera rugata)等, 分别占61.8%、6.7%和1.8%。鱼类也有一定的贡献, 占总食物序列的23.5%。同位素结果显示其营养级为3.71±0.07, 与分子检测的结果相符。研究结果表明波纹钩鳞鲀的主要食物是小型甲壳类动物以及植食性鹦嘴鱼, 这拓展了以往对波纹钩鳞鲀所扮演生态角色的认识。  相似文献   
珊瑚礁是海洋生态系统的重要组成部分,对保护海洋生物多样性以及维持海洋生态平衡具有重大意义。我国南海珊瑚岛礁自然资源丰富,准确、高效地提取珊瑚岛礁信息对南海岛礁监测、管理、规划与保护具有现实意义。本研究基于我国海洋一号C卫星(HY 1C)遥感数据,对西沙永乐群岛珊瑚礁信息进行了研究与分析,提出基于HY 1C遥感数据的珊瑚礁地貌分类体系。采用全卷积神经网络U Net模型,依次通过下采样、上采样操作提取西沙永乐环礁地貌特征,实现原始影像的像素级语义分割。结果表明:基于HY 1C数据建立的地貌分类体系对活珊瑚覆盖及珊瑚生长发育条件具有指示作用,提出的基于U Net模型的珊瑚岛礁地貌信息自动提取方法,能够为我国南海珊瑚岛礁生态系统的全自动、大范围监测和评价提供相应理论基础,在珊瑚礁生态管理与评价中发挥关键作用。精度验证结果表明:U Net模型可以有效提取珊瑚礁地貌信息,采用的地貌信息提取方法具备时空泛化能力,泛化精度高于80%。  相似文献   
西沙群岛是我国南海陆地面积最大的群岛,海域广阔,拥有重要的战略地位与丰富的海洋资源。为了解该海域浮游动物组成与分布特征,本研究于2019年5月在西沙群岛14个岛礁站位开展多学科综合调查,并采用形态学方法和基于18S V9测序的宏条形码技术对浮游动物样本组成进行鉴定。结果显示,此次西沙调查站位浮游动物样本的主要种类包括桡足类、软甲纲和箭虫纲,这3个类别的物种在两种鉴定方法中均具有较高的相对丰度。14个站位浮游动物平均密度为707.53±378.34 ind/m3,各站位浮游动物丰度、物种组成及优势种存在差异。形态学方法共鉴定出11门17纲18目共86个物种,18S V9分子方法鉴定出22门46纲85目共233个操作分类单元(operational taxonomic units, OTUs),分子鉴定的物种覆盖度更高,且代表性类群相对丰度和多样性指数在大部分站位与形态学鉴定结果呈现出显著相关性,表明宏条形码技术鉴定方法与形态学鉴定方法在评价海洋浮游动物多样性方面具有较好的可比性,在我国海洋浮游动物群落监测中具有较高的应用潜力。但由于目前浮游动物的分子鉴定方法仍处于初步发展阶段,相关技术手段仍不完善,仍需多种鉴定方法结合使用,以保证浮游动物多样性鉴定的准确性。  相似文献   
南海及沿岸地带是亚太地区经济发展最有活力和潜力的地区之一,受全球变化和人类活动的影响,南海资源环境正发生快速变化,对社会、经济、生态和环境带来新压力。本文从地理空间信息角度,以海岸资源、海洋资源和珊瑚礁资源的地理研究为综述内容,梳理了该区域岸线遥感监测、油气资源储量及渔业资源渔获量的地理差异、珊瑚礁地貌遥感监测与珊瑚白化等相关研究进展,讨论了已有研究的成果及其薄弱方向,依据发展趋势探讨了未来研究工作的重点。综述发现,南海资源环境的地理空间研究中,主要成果表现在资源环境的大面积快速监测与地理分异性方面,但在资源分布的内在机制及资源开发的环境效应影响方面仍缺少足够的研究。未来可望获得突破的研究主要包括:区域时空多尺度特征及其效应,区域间自然和社会发展的分异和规律,多源数据融合的南海资源动态监测的精度与时效的提高,以及资源变化过程的海洋生态与环境综合效应研究等。  相似文献   
面积辽阔的南海是中国未来重要的能源接续区与资源基地,也是涉及国家海洋权益最为集中的区域。本文针对地理信息技术支撑下的南海岛礁研究现状,从南海岛礁现有基础数据成果、遥感手段岛礁基础地理信息提取方法及提取成果所做的岛礁分析与评价3方面,系统地回顾了国内外涉及南海岛礁资源环境研究的相关进展,评述了现有研究技术方法存在的不足,并对未来的研究进行了展望,在此基础上,提出了3个主要方向作为未来研究的重点:①促进遥感数据获取多源化,构建海量多源、多尺度南海岛礁遥感数据仓库;②加强技术协同创新,结合地理信息技术的发展,提升岛礁信息提取与监测的准确性与可靠性;③提升遥感分析智能化,研究并建立综合分析与情势推演平台及战略决策辅助支撑系统,以期为南海岛礁的进一步深入研究提供参考。  相似文献   
遥感水深反演具有非接触测量和省时省力等优点,能够为航海、岛礁工程与珊瑚礁生态调查等活动提供重要参考。随着高光谱遥感卫星数量的增长,基于高光谱遥感影像的水深反演具有良好的发展与应用潜力。HOPE(Hyperspectral Optimization Process Exemplar)算法是比较常用的高光谱水深反演算法。鉴于HOPE算法在低遥感反射率海域会出现水深被高估的问题,本文基于Hyperion高光谱遥感影像提出一种改进的水深反演算法。该算法针对危险或难以到达海域往往具有水体光学性质较为均一的特点,利用深水区遥感反射率的观测值来估计整个研究区域内的水体光学性质参数并将其固定,以便减少未知参数数量,解决水深被高估的问题,最终达到提高水深反演整体精度的目的。塞班岛和中业岛的实验结果表明,改进算法能够有效克服常规HOPE算法在低遥感反射率水域高估水深的问题。改进算法能够将平均遥感反射率小于0.0075sr-1(塞班岛)和0.001 sr-1(中业岛)范围内的水域的水深反演平均绝对误差从常规HOPE算法的2.94 m和6.44 m分别降低至2.56 m和4.99 m,从而能够相应地将整体的均方根误差从3.18 m和5.39 m分别降低至2.30 m和3.32 m,而将整体的平均相对误差从32.4%和27.1%分别降低至30.6%和23.9%。因此,改进算法在提高卫星高光谱遥感影像水深反演效果方面具有可行性和有效性。  相似文献   
全珊瑚骨料海水混凝土力学性能试验研究   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2       下载免费PDF全文
为了探讨全珊瑚骨料海水混凝土的基本力学性能,并比较其与普通混凝土和轻集料混凝土的差异,通过实验系统测定了珊瑚混凝土的基本力学性能,建立了其轴心抗压强度(f_(c,m))、劈裂抗拉强度(f_(sp,m))、抗折强度(f_(t,m))与立方体抗压强度(f_(cu,m))之间的线性关系与计算公式。结果表明:在强度等级C20~C50的范围内,珊瑚混凝土的f_(c,m)和f_(sp,m)分别比普通混凝土的f_(c,m)和f_(sp,m)高出10%~48%和9%~33%,随着强度等级的提高,两种混凝土之间的差距在减小。珊瑚混凝土的f_(t,m)与普通混凝土的ft,m之间的差异规律与强度等级有关,较低强度等级的C30珊瑚混凝土ft,m比普通混凝土的f_(t,m)要高4%,而较高强度等级的C55珊瑚混凝土f_(t,m)比普通混凝土的f_(t,m)低13%。较高强度等级的C50珊瑚混凝土f_(c,m)、f_(sp,m)和f_(t,m)分别比页岩陶粒轻集料混凝土的f_(c,m)、f_(sp,m)和f_(t,m)低11%、0.9%和4%。  相似文献   
Xueying Han 《Marine Ecology》2016,37(6):1179-1189
Alternate attractors have been shown to exist in a variety of terrestrial and aquatic systems, e.g. temperate forests, savannas, shallow lakes, wetlands, coral reefs, kelp forests. The shift from one attractor to another, also referred to as a regime shift, is thought to occur when a system passes some critical threshold such that the trajectory of the system changes direction. Alternate attractors in population dynamics can also exist, leading to alternate stable states in the population abundance of a species. This study explored alternate attractors in the population dynamics of the Indo‐Pacific sea urchin Diadema savignyi and the potential underlying mechanisms that promote its bi‐stability. In Moorea, French Polynesia, the local abundance of D. savignyi, a functionally important herbivore in lagoon habitats, occurs in two states: (i) solitary individuals that occupy crevices in low densities and (ii) aggregations of tens to hundreds of individuals. These different states are temporally stable and are not explained by spatial differences in recruitment rates of juveniles. A field experiment revealed that the per capita mortality rate of adult D. savignyi was substantially lower at sites where urchins occurred in aggregations compared with sites at which they were solitary individuals. An additional experiment showed that per capita mortality decreased with increasing aggregation size. Individuals in high‐density aggregations, however, had significantly smaller test diameters than solitary individuals, indicating that individuals in aggregations may be food limited. Collectively, the evidence suggests that the two different local abundance states of D. savignyi result from negative feedback loops where high local density can be maintained by aggregative behavior that greatly reduces per capita risk of predation when the local number of adult sea urchins is sufficiently large; sites with few sea urchins remain at low density because individuals are more susceptible to predation when crevices are occupied but there are not enough individuals to form large aggregations. Thus, there may be alternate attractors in the population dynamics of D. savignyi that can produce either persistently low or high local population densities.  相似文献   
The ecology and diversity of the shallow soft‐bottom areas adjacent to coral reefs are still poorly known. To date, the few studies conducted in these habitats dealing with macroinvertebrate fauna have focused on their abundance spatial patterns at high taxonomic levels. Thus, some aspects important to evaluate the importance and vulnerability of these habitats, such as species diversity or the degree of habitat specialization, have often been overlooked. In this study we compared the crustacean assemblages present in four different habitats at Magoodhoo Island coral reef lagoon (Maldives): coral rubble, sandy areas and two different seagrass species (Thalassia hemprichii and Cymodocea sp.). Forty‐two different crustacean species belonging to 30 families and four orders were found. ‘Site’ was a significant factor in all of the statistical analyses, indicating that tropical soft‐bottom habitats can be highly heterogeneous, even at a spatial scale between tens and hundreds of meters. Although traditionally it has been considered that seagrass beds host greater species diversity and abundance of organisms than adjacent unvegetated habitats, no differences in the univariate measures of fauna (abundance of organisms, number of species and Shannon diversity) were observed among habitats. However, sandy areas, coral rubble and seagrass beds exhibited different species composition of crustacean communities. The percentage of taxa considered as potential habitat specialists was 27% and the number of species exclusively occurring in one habitat was especially high in seagrass beds. Thus, degradation of this vegetated habitat would result in a great loss of biodiversity in tropical shallow soft‐bottom habitats.  相似文献   
Rapa (27°36′ S, 144°20′ W) is a small (~40 km2) volcanic island isolated in the Southern Austral Archipelago, where direct anthropogenic stressors are extremely limited. Here, we present the results of the first quantitative survey of coral community structure across habitats and depths around the island. Despite its geographical isolation in the depauperate South Central Pacific, its small size and unfavourable environmental conditions (competition with macroalgae, low sea surface temperatures, reduced reef accretion), the diversity of scleractinian corals at Rapa is particularly high (112 species from 32 genera, including 37 species of Acropora) in comparison to other French Polynesian islands and subtropical Pacific locations. Our results indicate that the abundance (>100 colonies per 10 m2 recorded at nine of the 17 sampling stations) and cover (>40% at four stations) of corals are relatively high for a marginal reef location. Strong spatial heterogeneity was found, with high variation in diversity, abundance, cover and community composition among stations. Variation in community composition was related to habitat types, with distinct assemblages among fringing reefs within bays, reef formations at bay entrances, and those on the submerged platform surrounding the island. On the platform, a depth gradient was detected, with generic richness, abundance and cover generally greater at deeper stations (18–20 m depth) compared with medium‐depth (10–12 m) and shallow (1–3 m) stations. A gradient was also recorded along bays, with increasing coral diversity and abundance from the bay heads to the bay entrances. The coral community at Rapa was characterized by the presence of several taxa not found in other French Polynesian archipelagos and the rarity of others that are common and abundant in the Society and the Tuamotu islands. Another distinctive feature of reef communities at Rapa is the high cover and dominance of macroalgae, particularly in the shallower parts of the surrounding platform, which probably explains the lower densities of coral colonies recorded there. These characteristics of the diversity and biogeographical composition of coral assemblages at Rapa provide considerable ecological grounds for its conservation.  相似文献   
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